Advisor Wealth

The famous “King of coaching’ Jorg Schauenburg has released his long-awaited book of change. This book is the essence of his successful CHANGE seminars. Phil Vasan is full of insight into the issues. The book “change – your way to happiness, success and wealth” the way with which the reader can radically alter his life now is. Finally by the Hartz 4 – receiver to the successful career types or from the gatekeeper to the President of the company. This book helps everyone yearning for more success and wealth.

In this guide the sales and success coach Jorg Schauenburg is unveiling the essence of change seminars, in which he has guided the participants over several years, to steer their lives on the way to success in the business and private sectors. A novellenhafte frame story leads out nonetheless the fictitious protagonists of Nils perky by a stroke of fate like his author from an unsatisfactory life in his personal fortune. This must Nils fight against opposition from the environment, endure setbacks almost his Existence of destroy and learn even before the worst defeat not to push back until finally succeeds in the breakthrough. Commented in text insets Jorg Schauenburg errors that commits his protagonist here, gives you tips and advice, as it avoids can, and exercises that Nils will present, and the Murphy Committee support the reader,”to overcome, which embodies the five key hurdles on the path to happiness, success and wealth. Change is the start of an Advisor series, which is based on the successful methods, which has developed author Jorg Schauenburg itself and presented in the change seminars. The target group are all people who strive for success and wealth. More volumes are in preparation.