Giffits GmbH switches webcam overlooking Hamburg live the Giffits GmbH, full service agency for advertising in Hamburg, offers a free service for those interested in weather since the beginning of the month. On the tenth floor of the Alster city quarter Barmbek, Winterhude, is a webcam installed and offers therefore a wide views of Hamburg. We have a great chance here and they wanted like to share other. “, so Marcus Schulz, Executive Board of Giffits GmbH. Air has plenty of information regarding this issue. In addition to the videos, the current weather data be communicated. Number of degrees, cloud location, air pressure and wind data be read according to the airport Fuhlsbuttel and transformed into understandable data. and add to your knowledge base. The updating of the information takes place in 20-second intervals, so that the information can be distributed precisely to the minute. Another service is the weathercam film of yesterday”.
It has something uplifting, and again goes down. “, says Schulz. If you can see your town in fast motion and accurately detects, at what pace the Sun. The camera is on the Hamburger “Tower set and allows a view depending on the weather conditions in the old country” on the other side of the Elbe. The pictures are available at the address werbeartikel-webcam.htm. The camera is in operation day and night. Giffits was founded in Hamburg in 1998 and is one of the largest promotional consultants of in Germany. Meanwhile more than 20,000 companies nationwide customers and over 50,000 articles can be found in the online shop. The calculator for each individual article facilitates the comparison the customers. In the full service area, storage, delivery, logistics and merchandise management systems and other services are offered.