Understanding Sugar

Sugar: not so simple Many people believe that foods such as chocolate, bananas, and indeed the sugar in its pure form is the best product for rapid stimulation of the brain. Yes, it really is. For the correct and complete of our brains need glucose, and in large quantities. But sugar may be different, but because not all sweet so helpful. Sacchariferous products, of course, very quickly, within minutes, "illuminate" the brain due to the fact that sugar is quickly spreading blood. However, at least quickly absorb this sugar, insulin, and active mental activity is a sharp decline, sedation.

So, as you can see, the sugar in its pure form – double-edged sword. The good news is that the glucose contained in some carbohydrates, the use of which does not cause such a sharp downturn. After eating breakfast right product, there is no doubt that his action will last a couple of minutes, and for much longer. These products are starchy carbohydrates: bread, rice and other cereal products, nuts, beans, and potatoes. Regularly eating these foods for breakfast, school children and students receive an excellent foundation for employment, supporting your brain for the entire school day. Ratings can aid you in your search for knowledge. In summary, we can say that the best food for a snack during intense mental activity will not be considered traditional chocolate or sweet fizzy drinks, and bread with nuts. Fat: interfere with the brain as it turned out, in excess fats not only spoil the figure, but also significantly impair brain activity.