Being More Productive

In our busy lives, we are not always as productive as we can be. Over many years of working, I have developed some ways of working that they help to be more productive. Today I would like to share some of them with you: keep your desk tidy and clean space. A messy desk is one of the most disturbing elements in the workplace. To be more productive, a clean workspace is essential.

It is important to eliminate the unwanted items, such as old papers, pencils and broken feathers or even personal objects. You will be surprised how much a clean workspace, can do to increase your productivity. Organize themselves. In the workplace, being organised, you can better use their time and increase productivity more than you think. If you know where are all their supplies, then, it is very easy to find what you need. You won’t have to waste time looking for something. It is important to remember that every second that is saved It is time that we can deal with later. Even if it saves only 45 seconds everytime you go to find something.

Plunge them and realize. Set clear goals to be more productive, it is important to have clear and concise goals. A person oriented towards objectives is one that knows what you want and how to achieve it. Knowing how to deal with the current task is will save not only time, but also headaches later in the road. An excellent way to establish the objective is to keep a list of things you have to do. Keep a to-do list. Keep a list of things to do is not only a way of organizing your life and your thoughts, if not that also allows you to visualize the work that must be done. This helps a lot to time management. Know what to do allows you to plan your day and give a specific amount of time for each task. To set a specific amount of time to do something, it is pushing to complete the task. This also ensures that you complete all tasks before the deadline. Leave personal problems at home don’t there is nothing more annoying to have something in your mind when you are trying to complete a task. Try to leave all the stress and personal problems at home, and not take it to your place of work. This will increase productivity tenfold. Although it can be difficult to implement these issues, it is essential to increase their productivity. An increase in productivity is important to obtain a promotion or simply be a better employee.


Today, a new day ahead. Peek through the window to see the sky, to look at what point today the moon will be, to absorb the first air of the morning, to wait for the Sun or the rain needed to dispose ourselves to start daily life. The worker, student, pensioner, idling, which has a trade, in love, which goes for a walk and going to visit. All with dreams, concerns, joys and sorrows, but forward following the path of life with all its obstacles, hopeful or waiting. And in the middle of a trip, or crossing the street or sitting in a cafe conversation, or in the hospital awaiting their turn, or kindergarten playing, feel a tremendous noise that moves away it of there, who minces, it definitely interrupt his life only once.

How is it the morning of the terrorista-bomba the day that the burst is? And tears of relatives are composed of which element? And the nearer his defeat? And how many cabezotas illuminated directing the masses? Never better applied this word. And as an offering of unity between the bands that generate a fratricidal war, he hurls into the abyss by a booty, not for a homeland. And from our sidewalk, alone, a few, almost like lost, abandoned, seeking peace, talking about peace in the midst of so much pain, so much madness, so much unreason. Still believing that peace is possible. Roberto Sanchez the Magazine: Web Log: original author and source of the article.

Virtual Assistant

How to know if it was time to hire help? The answer to this question is very important to maintain high levels of productivity. If you’re constantly busy and unable to perform all tasks that I should, because it’s time, at least, think about. Generally, the first thing that comes to mind is the subject of the costs involved in the recruitment of staff. Importantly, more than the costs, the cost-benefit of doing so, delegate. Many independent entrepreneurs and professionals take jobs different hats: of general manager, the commercial Manager, wizard’s and sometimes even, Cadet! Clearly, you will need to analyze which tasks are performing. From there, you can define what and who you can delegating them.

Even more, the way to do it. There are alternatives to hire effective or temporary staff. So our business continue to develop, we will definitely have to go getting us some hats. And when we are accustomed to do absolutely everything, it is hard to even more! However, it is the only way to continue to grow and increase both revenues and profitability. Before hiring effective or temporary staff, evaluate services available to outsource certain tasks. In this way, you can minimize the investment and risk involved in effective recruitment. There are many options: hire a cadeteria service, a telephone service, to cite a few examples. At this point, I can not also suggest hiring an ideal resource for entrepreneurs, freelancers and SMEs: a Virtual Assistant. Although is still a very new service, in the Anglo-Saxon in Hispanic countries, this service is something that entrepreneurs have in mind. Maximize your productivity! What hat can be removed?