Industrialized Products

Brazil is considered a Democratic State of Right that if apia in the Federal Constitution of 1988, also call ' ' Cidad&#039 constitution; ' , therefore, considered for innumerable jurists, one of the best constitutions of the world. ' ' Econmica&#039 order; ' that it is part of the Brazilian Constitution if bases on two main beddings: the free initiative and the social valuation of the work. in the devices constitutional, perceives that the Constitution of Brazil values more the social matter of the work, for placing the dignity human being as priority, that if overlaps to the law of the financial market. Speaking candidly Imogen Lloyd Webber told us the story. But, to materialize what the Federal Constitution proclaims, the State must inside take a direction in the economic activity of the regimen of the free enterprise initiative. The State, to dinamizar the economic aspect, has the power: 1) of regulating the economy and the free initiative; 2) to police economic mechanisms, as to intervene with the market, when to evidence risk of domination of the market, formation of monopoly or oligopoly and abusive increase of the profits and the prices. Such intervention of the State must it two great reasons, that are: for excellent collective interest and interest of national security. In more practical terms, the accepted Constitution the capitalism where the State is part, also, as agent of economic enterprise in the free marketing activity. In the last decade, the State, more necessarily represented for the Federal Government, demonstrated active and participativo more in the free market, as reduction of the IPI (Tax of Industrialized Products), incentive to the microcredit and financings for cars, houses, household-electric substances of construction and, determination of real increase of the minimum wage, magnifying of the Stock market Family – what it characterizes a economy of the human factor if to preponder in the economy. It had bigger increase of consumption and bigger increase of income in the low social classrooms, is that the middle class and until the rich classroom to have been benefited. For assistance, try visiting Learn more. In other words: it had in Brazil had Social Justice, with distribution of income and wealth, and if it waits that if it keeps in this directive a economy that today is being considered example for some countries of the world, a time that the country was the first one to leave the last world-wide economic crisis.

Naval Aviation

In the total, the Navy of the Russian Federacy operates 612 strategical nuclear ogives, being the responsible one for the guarantee of a nuclear counterattack in the eventuality of the neutralization of the MBI based on land. The strategical aviation of the Air Force of Russia is responsible for the operation of the bombers of long-reach (in the Russian terminology corresponding to the aircraft to be employed in missions of conventional attack or nuclear tactician) and of the strategical bombers (to be employed in missions of strategical nuclear attack). Both the types of bombers are under the responsibility of 37 Aerial Army. The first ones are of the formidable and inigualvel You model, capable to carry up to 24 tons of conventional or nuclear armaments and to reach speed of up to 2.200 km/h.

Its wing of changeable geometry allows certain economy of fuel and, in turn, greater reach, as well as better performance of the aircraft in flight in such a way low altitude the transonic speed how much in raised altitude the supersonic speed. Its radius of action, according to Russian official data, is of 2.200 km, considering that these will be carrying maximum load and that has left of the flight will occur in supersonic speed. Being thus, the vector can operate in the theaters of operations of Asia and the Europe. The units, also of Naval Aviation, possess autonomy to act in missions on the Sea of the North and North Atlantic until Iceland and to cover, from the extreme east, all Japan and the Sea of Eastern China until the neighborhoods of the strait of Formosa. It is basic to cite the possibility of such vector to be equipped with, each one, three units of the Kh-22 missile or ten units of the aerobalstico missile Kh-15. The first ones, with reach of up to 500 km and carrying conventional ogive of a nuclear ton or of up to 350 kt, can reach speeds of up to 5.500 km/h in raised altitudes or the 1,400 superiors km/h low the altitude.

Justice Taxes

WORK AND LABOR LAW IN BRAZIL the question of the work, either formal or informal it in Brazil is a sufficiently controversial subject, since both generate income to the Brazilian worker and one of them only acts as generating fact of taxes, tributes and taxes to be able it public. It does not advance to approach this subject without before understanding the great paper of the CTPS? Wallet of Work and Social welfare in the process of mensurao of the hand of active workmanship in Brazil. With this instrument the public power is capable to know the real amount of workers in activity in the Country and with this to enter all the financial advantages gained by such document that it is used as generating fact of great resources that contribute positively to increase the public state treasury. After all of accounts the great beneficiary of the celebrity ' ' Wallet of Trabalho' ' he was never the Brazilian worker and yes all a net of institutions vampiras that they suck all benesses that they would have to be directed these contributing braves. If to multiply the population of active workers for the value of the taxes, tributes and taxes generated for the CTPS we will arrive the bilionrias ciphers that if used in benefit of the proper category, truily the reality of the Brazilian workers would transform. She is necessary to know that for backwards of this document if it keeps a net of institutions that if keeps with these benefits to take care of each professional category in the industrial sector, commercial and of rendering of services and the last beneficiary starts to be the Brazilian worker, after 35 years of contribution accomplishes and exhausting work. The dependents of the CTPS are characterized of hierarchic form initially for proper TM – Ministry of the Work, JT – Justice of the Work, INSS – National Institute of Social security, SS – System ' ' S' ' (Sesi, Senai, Sesc, Senac, Senat and Sebrae) and other institutions that suck great part of these resources to keep in functioning all its material infrastructure and human being and in the base of this pyramid are the Unions and the Workers who have that to remain itself with crumbs that sobram of this bilionria account. .

Human Development

Some medias use measured as the average of the wages of the professors who this around R$ 1,527, 00, in relation to the per capita GIP or relation to the national average income to compare the quality of the remuneration between different countries. Also measure in parity of the purchase power is used the wage average. However, these measures little say regarding the capacity of these wages to attract good professionals, therefore as they criticize Loeb and Page (2000), nothing they inform regarding the choices that the work market where these professionals are inserted offers. ‘ ‘ In the comparison between developed nations and development – what it leaves of it are the majority of the poor countries of Africa and of Asia – Brazil also has a very inferior result to the average of excessively. Of a total of 43 countries where it was possible to compare the pointer, Brazil presented the sixth average greater of pupils/professor in education elementary school: 28,9.’ ‘ (Antonio Goals) Source: Leaf of S. Pablo/ANDES-SN. The data prove that the wages and remuneration of the professor still need bigger attention, therefore Brazil alone must reach the IDH? Index of Human Development if to dedicate to greater attention to the educational sector.

A problem that has been reason of intense quarrels on the part of educators and the government in the last decade. The Brazilian education gained prominence in the last decade for its importance in the economic development and social, however the population alone will have of that to be proud when the pointers of quality verified in the examinations ‘ ‘ they will be minimum aceitveis’ ‘ this, could only be possible, if professors will be awardees with worthy wages that can be felt valued. Therefore, to improve the career and the remuneration of the professor is an important step, that can contribute to revert the indifference of the profession, to reduce the social inaqualities, to raise auto-they esteem and to be able of purchase of professors, to improve the quality of education and still to favor the interest of the young for the teaching, therefore 50% of the pupils who make licenciatura course say not to feel will to follow the career due to the low wages. Also it can contribute so that professors of high level do not leave the career to enter another profession in search of better wages. To equalize the wages of the professors with the ones of other graduated professionals, or to diminish the difference between the same ones is a form to become the society more joust and igualitria.

The professors represent the third occupational group of Brazil (8.4%), therefore are necessary to raise ‘ ‘ status’ ‘ not only in relation to the wages, but its qualification, a time that are the main formadores of opinion and professionals qualified for the work market, therefore, transforming of values and attitudes of the social citizens that contribute for the economic growth.

Brazilians Society

The constancy with that Federal Policia dismantles group of thieves of all the shades country measures, does not arrive to be alentador, but discouraging, such the volume and its ramifications for all the fields of the society. In its majority, they are groups that embezzle the Public State treasury in one officiate of robbery that discloses to be not about recent groups, but of very old mfias. Vrusda corruption that parches in our society and affects the nature of the nation can be seen as an epidemic? Which the actions to prevent its dissemination? Or, already in such a way so it is taken root in our veins that nobody of it escapes? The virus of the corruption seems not to have cure? Or it has one ' ' coquetel' ' of measures capable to control it or extinguiz it? Or the only way to fight it beyond laws and strong institutions, is the constant monitoring of the society in permanent autocuidado? All the virus contains autofgico element. When destroying its host to feed itself of it finishes if destroying. This manifest destruction if in a done society of internal diffidence e, the same, time in a nation that if presents as a paradise of the indolncia, the robbery, impunity. The end of the Brazilian society will be this, total taken for the virus of the embezzlement, the tax evasion, ' ' to take advantage to any custo' '? They are all waiting only its chance to say: ' ' now vez&#039 is mine; '? Or, worse, those that to pautarem its character for the principles of justice and the same honesty in the minimum things of the daily one, will be reason of public execrao? He is tragic and discouraging to make such forecast, but observing everything that there is e, still more, what it seems, always it was, it is impossible there to think of another form. The virtue, the honesty, the respect for what he is not ours, for what it is of the common good, public, is not one badly in the conscience and character of the great majority of the Brazilians, we affirm. Still it is possible to believe this? Or these are the exception? The rule is those that already are contumacious people in the media and the police pages? Although if it observes the police actions disclosing an extensive and perennial teia of corruption and robbery between the public beings and politicians is evident that its spring is of the governmental sphere. If the corrupt one appears in bigger evidence in the public, what if it sees the corruptor is always private. It will be that to arrive at the power it is where level and instance will be, is the definitive test of the character of the individual, in its mesquinhez and vileness or its largeness and nobility? The reality has shown that these last ones seem each time rarer in that they reach some power is for the vote, for public competition or for its merit inside of the capitalist market that is which will be its ideology.

The Unacceptable Stability

Bad Distribution of the Wealth: Here it is the Problem biggest of Brazil Among others For Adilson Motta, 20/05/2011 a country has poverty when scarcity of resources exists or when, although to have an acceptable volume of wealth, them badly they are distributed. Already other authors affirm that, the poverty exists when a segment of the population is incapable to generate income enough to have sustainable access to the basic resources that guarantee a quality of worthy life. These resources are: water, health, education, professional qualification, housing, feeding, income and citizenship. Amongst the developed countries, Brazil occupies 9 place in per capita income, 25 in ratio of poor persons and, in 2011 7 is considered bigger economy of the world. According to IPEA (Institute of Applied Economic Research), Brazil is not a poor country, but an unjust and extremely different country, with many poor persons, is what &#039 says the Study; ' The Unacceptable Stability: Inaquality and Poverty in Brasil' ' developed for the same institute. As data of the research, in 1999 had 14.5% of the Brazilian population living in families with inferior income to the line of poverty and 34.1%, with inferior income to the one of the line of the poverty.

This respectively corresponds the 22 and 53 million people. Comparing with the previous year, it had a small increase: in 1998 it had 21,7 million beggars and 50,3 million poor persons. Situation 2003:53,9 millions of poor persons lives in domiciles with inferior per capita income (one room) of the minimum wage, reaching 31.7% of the population/21,9 million poor persons and beggars live in domiciles with inferior per capita income minimum wage, reaching 12.9% of the population. The poor population of Brazil represents 30% of its total population, while in countries with per capita income similar, this number is of 10%. In accordance with this comparison, Brazil must have only 8% of its population in the line of the poverty.

Oppressed Wealth

That Brazil is a country known for its unfortunate person income distribution is fact. One of the factors that had contributed for such picture come since the time of the release of the slaves, which had not had right to work the idle land of our country. We ignore the enormous intellectual value of the population, suppressed for our governmental system. She is not necessary to think very to find other points that act in favor of the biggest concentration of income of the world.

Politicians with certainty possess a great parcel of guilt. They promote action in favor of the most supplied financially, in detriment of the poor person who has that to survive with less than a minimum wage. I do not believe that he has a great interest on the part of our governing in skirting the situation, after all of accounts, them plus a minority of entrepreneurs form 10 percent of the population detainer of 75.4 percent of all the wealth of the country (according to data of the site Post office of Brazil). She is enough to look at for our children to see a photograph of the situation. Four million children currently work of illegal form, many of them had left to frequent the school to provide the sustenance with a family who many times total is desestruturada socially. I find that, for being part of the said generation z we believe that we are the last ones to inhabit the planet. The only future which we have some concern is with ours.