Reinaldo Silva

How much to its abrangncia, the control can occur in three levels: strategical, tactical and operacional’ ‘. 2.3. Organizacional environment On the elements and organizacional environment Reinaldo Silva (2007, p.48) detaches that ‘ ‘ many different forces are and inside of the organization they influence the administrative performance. These forces are originated in the general environment, the environment of the tasks and the internal environment of organizaes’ ‘. These elements are presented by Hiss. (2007, p.48), through spheres that represent as the company is organized.

The elements of the organizacional environment FIGURE 1 Source: It hisses (2007, p.48) the elements of the internal environment of the searched organization consist of proprietor, employees, administrator and physical environment. Distributed in the corresponding levels, these, with its abilities corroborate for the good administrative performance of the company. It hisses (2007, P. 54) standes out that: ‘ ‘ The people are, perhaps, the more valuable internal resource of an organization, because they are its vital energy. The people to provide knowledge, abilities and dirigem what she creates, keep and develop organizaes’ ‘. In the internal environment of organization the general administrator has the mission to play the administrative functions with the purpose to reach the results established for the proprietor.

As for the physical environment, this, influence directly in the attainment of these ends. Sample hisses (2007, P. 54) that: The physical environment can have the most diverse configurations, and the installations can be in an only plan or diverse floors, an only place or some different, next or distant places. Advantages and disadvantages in these aspects related to the physical environment exist. Still on the internal environment a question that must be presented as an important point inside of the company is the topical environment.

The Relationship

If somebody to talk high and nothing will be fact, open way so that it happens of new. if the professor to say that it goes to order somebody if this even so somebody to confuse, and making two or three times, goes to have a standard that allows the pupils to foresee what it goes to happen, and there does not go to need to order nobody even so. The important one is it here to have well clearly for itself exactly what it wants and to know that is the responsible one for making this to happen. On the other hand, it is important to preserve a good one and friendly relationship with the pupils, seno will not obtain to reach the objective. Thus, one of the initial objectives is to construct a good relationship with the group and the pupils, what it goes to allow it later calling the attention them without they find she hates that them. For this it is necessary to look the good sides of each one: one is studious, the other is cordial and respectful, all have qualities, and the professor has that to perceive them. If he will have that to make something drastic, as to order somebody even so, he must make it, without ' ' matar' ' the relationship with nobody. What it says is secondary; the way it says as it is much more significant. The paper of the professor in room is analogous to the one of a good nurse, who does not bind if the sick person is flat or not, it has a mission and needs to make what she is necessary for cumpriz it, and needs then to stand out, to ignore and to forget the things take off that it of the focus and they do not contribute for the objectives. An exercise that can be made is, being relaxed, to visualize itself seated in one of wallets, the position of pupil.

Dennis Meadows

The end of century XX witnessed a change in the values, as much of the men in general as of the organizations referring to the rational use of the resources of the planet. This if gave, more for the inclusion of the quarrel in world-wide level of the problematic one of the peoples: poverty in way to the abundance, unemployment, lacks reliable in the governmental and private entities, among others reasons, that for the fact to understand that the development if of the one of form more effective when this is responsible in ambient and social terms. This agreement of the society made to grow in all globe the concept of Echo-efficient Organization 1, organizations these that total are come back toward the rational use of the resources, having thus diminished the production costs and generating more value for its businesses. These institutions stimulate the world-wide economy, therefore they become more competitive than its competitors and contribute, so that new model of consumption if configures in not propitious scenes before, such as: North American consumers Europeans. As these organizations find chance in echo-efficient consumption and create more value for the consuming market, it is the problem that if it looks to answer throughout this assay, thus deriving from the question the hypothesis of that the organizations that they produce through the PmaisL (production cleaner) add more value and wealth for its businesses that its competitors. Search still this assay the hypothesis to identify if has a modismo in the consumption of products with ambient stamp.

The objectives that had given I try to this assay are parts of the project that it looked to understand the echo-efficiency concept as the organizations can implement it; which the methods of identification of chances in echo-efficient projects are used by the Organizations had implemented that them; which the risks that involve the implementation of these projects. The justification of this assay also part of the project that gave origin to it and if confirms of basic importance for the conception of the term echo-efficiency and its applicability for enterprise organizations of one form globalizada generality and. Its theoretical recital will be based on the authors who are main readings for this assay: Markus Lenhi, that speaks on the echo-efficiency, Amlia Godoy, that deals with the texts of Dennis Meadows and the Club of Rome that they had given to origins the quarrels on support, in one blog widely visited; Philip Kloter that defines the forms of the marketing and its boardings for the organizations. The used main methodology for this assay was the bibliographical research, on the basis of articles and books of the authors above cited, fichamentos, critical reading and summaries to mount the assay. The reading that it will cover in this assay follows in the chapters: Sustainable development: description and conceptualizations, that sustainable development deals with the subject, its description and as if formed its concept. Echo-efficiency: what it is? That it looks for to define the echo-efficiency concept. Echo-efficiency: to create more with less, tries to demonstrate as echo-efficiency reduces raw material use and diminishes the ambient impact. Echo-efficiency: more value for the consumer, considers that the echo-efficiency when reconceber its products generate more value for its customers in general and the society. Finishing in final consideraes, the value of the echo-efficiency is emphasized, demystifying the term support, and considering that the correct use of the term will have to be echo-efficiency, while it has left of the social differences, that is objects of the support, have not been minimized.

State Institute

The social pressure clama for the improvement of the quality of the services given for the State, therefore is not enough incentives inspectors and abundant credit to guarantee the permanence of the productive sector in one determined region. She is necessary to improve the environment business-oriented and to add efforts in the direction to propitiate energy, transport, technology, force of qualified and logistic work for the draining of the production. In this context, the activities of metrologia and evaluation of conformity are essential tools to the competitiveness of the economy and the protection of the citizens, of form to promote partner-economic the development regional. The State has responsibilities in relation to the citizens who do not possess ways to confer the quality of a product or the exactness of a measurement, consisting in the main attribution of the Institute of Weights and Measures. The verification of the norms emanated for the INMETRO are activities delegated to the state agencies, in the case of Rio De Janeiro, to the IPEM/RJ, that shares of the decisions with the first one, of form to be always reorienting its actions, in the same compass of necessities presented for the society.

The valuation of mark INMETRO must keep accord with the agencies that execute the delegated activities, not being able to have a hiato between the nucleus and its tips. Both are compromised to the development of the society, cingidos for the principles of the efficiency effectiveness and effectiveness. The present work intends to present the Institute, to show aspects of the management undertaken in the last quinquennium, to consider routes that will allow the autarchy, its transformation in island of excellency in the State and the obstacles to be surpassed. The study it was divided in three chapters. Initially, we will make the historical rescue, with the beginning of the metrolgicas activities and pointing out the Institute in the context of the Public Administration, perpassando for the reforms in the bureaucratic device until the current days.